I’ve been tinkering a little with this website, and so far it’s essentially becoming a curriculum vitae (CV). That’s probably a useful thing for potential employers to get to know me (and see that I have basic web/IT/media skills), but once I find a job that might be less useful as a front page/home page for my personal website.
Currently my actual CV is just a google doc bullet point list of various things I’ve done. As a document it could definitely be formatted better, and likely ought be tailored specifically to each role I apply for.
I thought I’d share some CV’s I’ve seen that I’ve enjoyed.
- A. Prof. Johannes Haushofer’s CV of failures (and CV of success)
- Jospeh A. Adams’ CV for dating
- Elon Musk’s one page résumé (not made by Musk himself)
- Chris Hadfield’s NASA Biographical Data
I’ve noticed in interviews so far in Oxford that interviewers will “discover” something in my CV and ask about it during the interview. This highlights the short amount of time that prospective employers will spend skimming the CV, so it’s probably sensible to cut mine down to one page, and try to better highlight the major achievements, and relevant experience. That reformat is probably this afternoon’s task (as well as doing a little re-wiring of some networking cable here)
Writing from the Oxford Hacker-space.